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Netherlands Work Visa

Netherlands Work Visa Application

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Getting a Netherlands work visa will allow you to travel to the country and work freely, so here we have all the information you need to get started.

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You must apply for a Netherlands work visa if you want to stay in the country to work for more than 90 days.

The Netherlands issues work visas to foreign nationals who want to enter the country for employment-related reasons.

You frequently need to acquire a work permit in addition to the Dutch residential permit. To arrive and remain in the Netherlands, never the requirements are the standard visa or residence permit.

Who Needs Netherlands Work Visa

This places we would briefly explain to you the people that need work visas before they can go to the Netherlands.

Depending on your nationality, you may or may not need a visa to enter the Netherlands.

If you are from a nation that is a member of the EU, EEA, or Switzerland, you do not need a work visa or resident permission to enter the Netherlands. Nevertheless, you must register with the local personal records database and get a Citizen Service Number if you want to stay in the Netherlands for some time longer than four months.

If you are a family member of an EU, EEA, or Swiss national, you do not require a Dutch residence permit, but you will need to get a Verification against EU Law (certificate of lawful residence).

All other foreign nationals require a work permit in addition to a Dutch residence permit to live in the Netherlands. A Single Permit, which combines the work and residence permits into one, is available to some.

Along with their Dutch residence permit, some nations must additionally apply for an MVV visa (also known as a “provisional residence permit” or type D visa). You can also be needed to pass a civic integration exam that assesses your familiarity with the Dutch language and culture if you need an MVV.

Requirements For Netherlands Work Visa

Depending on which of the workable Dutch resident permits you’re seeking, the conditions for a Netherlands work visa vary. You will need to fulfil a set of normal conditions for any Dutch visa, though. Then, as mentioned in the next sections, there will be extra criteria based on the type of work visa you will the requirements of the stand requirements below.

  • For the duration of your stay, your passport or another form of identification must be valid.
  • You must possess adequate financial resources.
  • Payslips or income statements, paperwork proving you hold stock in a firm, or a letter from a benefits agency might all serve as examples.
  • You must be insured for health care. The full period you will be residing in the Netherlands must be covered by it.
    “A risk to public order, national peace, or national security” is something you must not do.
  • You must provide evidence of your visit’s purpose. For instance, a contract of employment in the Netherlands, a transcript from a Dutch university, or a marriage or civil partnership certificate.
    You may need to take a TB test. After entering the Netherlands, you must do this within three months.

Types Of Netherlands Work Visa

Though each Netherlands visa has its requirements we have been able to give you a little about their general recruitment.

1. Employee Visa (For Regular Workers)

You will require a Netherlands Employee Visa for regular paid work if you intend to work in the Netherlands as a regular employee (a labour migrant).

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Dutch ordinary employee work visa criteria are as follows:

  • In the Netherlands, you must have a written employment contract with your employer.
  • You must be paid at least the minimum salary applicable to workers older than 23.
  • Your company must demonstrate that a Dutch or other EU/EEA national could not have filled the post.

2. Seasonal Visa

Individuals who want to work seasonally in the Netherlands in the agricultural industry are given a work visa for the country. The length of a Dutch seasonal work visa is 24 weeks at most.

Among the requirements for a Dutch seasonal worker visa are:

  • Arrangement for Employment with a Dutch Employer
  • Acquisition of a Single Permit (a combined residence permit and work permit)
  • The minimum pay or a certain percentage must be met.

3. Intra Corporate Visa

You will require a Netherlands work visa if you currently work for an organization in a nation outside of the European Union (EU) and will be moving to a branch of that organization headquartered in the Netherlands.

The following conditions must be met for an internal transfer to the Netherlands:

  • You cannot be a citizen of Switzerland, an EEA or an EU member state.
  • You must reside in a non-EU nation and be employed in management, as an expert, or as a trainee when you apply.
  • Before transferring, you have to work for your employer for at least three months.
  • You meet the requirements for your position in terms of training and experience.
  • Your wage must be sufficient to qualify you to work as a highly-skilled immigrant.
  • Most of your time during the move will be spent living in the Netherlands.
  • Your employer must conduct business with the Netherlands branch to which you have been moved. You cannot have previously been transferred to that firm immediately before the application.
  • You cannot transfer to a branch that has received a fine in the previous five years for failing to comply with Article 2 of the Aliens
  • Employment Act or for failing to pay (or paying inadequately) wage tax or employer insurance premiums.
  • Employees under training must adhere to a trainee program rather than a standard employee one.

How To Apply For Netherlands Work Visa

Most of your time during the move will be spent living in the Netherlands.

Your employer must conduct business with the Netherlands branch to which you have been moved. You cannot have previously been transferred to that firm immediately before the application.

You cannot transfer to a branch that has received a fine in the previous five years for failing to comply with Article 2 of the Aliens Employment Act or for failing to pay (or paying inadequately) wage tax or employer insurance premiums.

Employees under training must adhere to a trainee program rather than a standard employee one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply for a single permit

Foreign people who are coming to the Netherlands to work.

Do I need a work permit to work in the Netherlands?

Yes, it is very important for anybody that wants to work in the Netherlands to apply for a work permit

How much is the Netherlands work visa?

The amount to be paid is not known for now but here at allworkvisa, we would let you know when we find out.

Can I apply for a Netherlands work visa online?

Yes, you can apply through their ministry for foreign affairs. 


Here you have it, you should not have any issues applying for a work visa in the Netherlands again if you follow all our steps.

For more information and question, kindly leave a comment below.

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